It's been a week

I haven't posted anything new in about a week due to the ever delicious time that is finals week.  I just did the math and I think I got exactly a 3.5 in CSE232.  I hope my math's right.  One point less and its just a boring old 3.0.  So anyways I'm back home on winter break, planning to set up my laptop with all the Microsoft software that the CSE department hooks its students up with as soon as I buy some DVD's to image Windows on to.  From there I'm going to try to spend some serious time with Adobe Creative Suite.  Manatee Flash games anyone?

More exciting than all that computer business though is: SNOWBOARDING!  I'm spending a couple of days up at the glorious Nub's Nob in northern Michigan and hopefully later into break I'll hit up Bittersweet that's a little closer to my home in Indiana.

So I've got big plans of snowboarding and video game dev projects, but all I'm really doing right now is playing Assassin's Creed and Bioshock.  Both of which are superb.  And I'm finding some sweet new Hip-Hop to listen to when I'm the mood for it.  Right now I definitely recommend: Sleep, 7L&Esoteric, Atmosphere, and Grayskul if your in the mood for some quality Hip-Hop.